Why You Should Consider A Hybrid Mattress

Why You Should Consider A Hybrid Mattress

When it comes to choosing a mattress, the options can be overwhelming. You might be inclined just to pick a cheap mattress and be done with it. But since we spend around one third of our life in bed, why not get a comfortable one that suits your body?

One of the newer and increasingly popular options is the hybrid mattress that features both foam and coils. But what exactly is a hybrid mattress, and what are the benefits of combining foam and coils together? In this blog post, we’ll answer these questions and more.

What is a Hybrid Mattress?

A hybrid mattress is a combination of two different types of support systems: foam and coils. Typically, the top layer of the mattress will be made of foam, while the bottom layer will be made of coils. This combination provides the benefits of both types of mattresses, resulting in a comfortable and supportive sleep surface.

Foam: Foam on a mattress provides excellent pressure relief by contouring to the shape of the body, which can reduce pain and improve sleep quality. Additionally, foam can absorb motion and noise, resulting in a more restful sleep experience for couples sharing a bed.

Coils: Coils in a mattress can provide support for the body by distributing weight evenly across the mattress. The design of coils also promotes airflow, which can help regulate temperature and prevent heat buildup during sleep.

So a hybrid mattress features the benefits of both foam and coils.

Hybrid Mattress Pros and Cons

Provides both pressure relief and supportCan be more expensive than other types of mattresses
Good airflow and temperature regulationMay have more motion transfer than all-foam mattresses
Can be customized to suit individual preferencesMay not last as long as all-coil mattresses
Absorbs motion transfer better than innerspring mattressesMay have a slight initial odor from the foam
Can alleviate back pain and promote spinal alignmentCan be heavier and harder to move than all-foam mattresses

Keep in mind that these pros and cons can vary depending on the specific hybrid mattress and the individual using it. It depends on what features are most important for you.

The Benefits of Foam

Foam mattresses, especially memory foam, are known for their ability to contour to the shape of your body, providing targeted pressure relief. This is particularly beneficial for those with joint pain or pressure points.

Foam also absorbs motion, which can be great for couples who have different sleep schedules or if one partner is a restless sleeper.

The Benefits of Coils

Coil mattresses are known for their durability and support. The coils provide a firm base that can help alleviate back pain and promote spinal alignment.

They also provide good airflow, which can help regulate temperature and prevent overheating during sleep.

Benefits of Combining Foam and Coils

The combination of foam and coils in a hybrid mattress offers the benefits of both types of mattresses. The foam layer on top provides the pressure relief and contouring, while the coils on the bottom provide the durability and support. This combination can also result in better airflow and temperature regulation than an all-foam mattress, as well as less motion transfer than a traditional innerspring mattress.

Additionally, hybrid mattresses are versatile and can be customized to suit individual preferences. For example, some hybrid mattresses have a thicker layer of foam for those who prefer a softer sleep surface, while others have a thicker layer of coils for those who prefer a firmer surface.

So now that you see the benefits of combining foam and coils, what options can you choose from with hybrid mattress options?

Several options are available to consider for a hybrid mattress

There are a wide variety of options available when it comes to hybrid mattresses. Here are a few factors to consider:

  1. Type of Foam: The foam layer on top of a hybrid mattress can be made from different types of foam, each with their own unique properties. Memory foam is known for its contouring abilities, while latex foam is more responsive and provides a bit more bounce. Gel foam can provide a cooler sleeping surface, while polyfoam is more affordable.
  2. Coil Type: The coils in a hybrid mattress can be made from different materials and have different shapes and configurations. Some common types include Bonnell coils, which are hourglass-shaped and connected with helical wires, and pocketed coils, which are individually wrapped and can provide better motion isolation.
  3. Thickness and Firmness: Hybrid mattresses can vary in thickness and firmness, allowing for customization to suit individual preferences. Generally, thicker mattresses provide more cushioning and can be better for side sleepers, while firmer mattresses can be better for back and stomach sleepers.
  4. Brand and Price: There are many different brands that offer hybrid mattresses at varying price points. It’s important to do your research and read reviews to find a reputable brand that offers good value for your budget.
  5. Trial Period and Warranty: Many companies offer trial periods and warranties for their mattresses, which can provide peace of mind when making a purchase. Be sure to read the fine print and understand the terms and conditions before making a decision.


A hybrid mattress combines the benefits of foam and coils to create a comfortable and supportive sleep surface. The foam layer on top provides targeted pressure relief and absorbs motion, while the coils on the bottom provide durability, support, and good airflow. If you’re in the market for a new mattress, a hybrid may be worth considering.

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