Why Do My Towels Smell Like Mildew? (Solved)

Why Do My Towels Smell Like Mildew? (Solved)

It’s important to properly clean towels regularly given what they are exposed to: Water and moisture, bodily fluids, dirt, humidity and even the detergent that they are washed with.

As we’ll see below, your washing habits might also be a culprit if your towels have a moldy smell.

Assuming your towels aren’t past their shelf life and don’t need to be replaced, there are actually a number of reasons that your towels have a mildew smell.

Towels can develop a mildew smell for several reasons

  1. Not allowing the towels to dry completely: Towels that are not allowed to dry completely between uses can develop a musty smell. This is because damp towels provide an ideal environment for mildew and bacteria to grow.
  2. Using too much detergent: Using too much detergent can cause a buildup of soap residue in the towels, which can trap moisture and cause a musty odor.
  3. Washing towels in cold water: Washing towels in cold water may not be effective in killing bacteria and removing odor-causing particles from the fabric.
  4. Overcrowding the washing machine: Overcrowding the washing machine can prevent the towels from being thoroughly cleaned, which can lead to a musty smell.
  5. The towels need replacing: It’s worth mentioning in detail because towels don’t last forever. A bath towel might last several years but at some point it will need replacement. After years of use and many washings, the fibers will no longer hold water the way they used to. They can also become very difficult to properly wash and even when “clean” might actually be grubby simply due to age.

How to prevent a towel from getting mildew

To prevent the mildew smell on towels, you can take the following steps:

  1. Wash towels regularly: Wash towels after every 3-4 uses, or more frequently if they are used in a humid or damp environment.
  2. Use the right amount of detergent: Use the recommended amount of detergent for the load size, and avoid using too much detergent, which can cause soap residue buildup and trap moisture.
  3. Wash towels in hot water: Use hot water to wash towels, as it helps to kill bacteria and remove odor-causing particles more so than cold water.
  4. Use vinegar or baking soda: Add a cup of white vinegar or a half-cup of baking soda to the wash cycle to help eliminate odors.
  5. Dry towels completely: Make sure to dry towels completely between uses. Hang them to dry in a well-ventilated area, or use a dryer on a high heat setting.
  6. Avoid fabric softeners: Avoid using fabric softeners or dryer sheets, which can trap moisture in the fabric and cause odors in towels.

By following these tips, you can help prevent the mildew smell on towels and keep them fresh and clean.

You have a mildew smell on your towels. Now what?

What if you already have mildew on your towels and need to get rid of it?

To eliminate the mildew smell from your towels, you can try washing them in hot water with a cup of white vinegar or a half-cup of baking soda added to the wash cycle.

You can also try using a detergent that is specifically formulated for removing odors from towels.

Additionally, make sure to hang the towels to dry completely after each use, and avoid using fabric softeners, which can trap moisture in the fabric and cause odors.

And if you’re still looking for info on washing smelly towels, check out one of the most popular articles on this website, Why Does My Husband’s Towel Stink After He Showers?

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