What If My House Has No Ethernet Ports?

What If My House Has No Ethernet Ports?

A home Internet connection is usually as matter-of-fact as electricity and just like cable tv and a corded phone line used to be, back in the day when everyone had cable and a landline. Most modern homes have this capability already built in ready to use.

If you live in a relatively modern home no doubt you can access Internet one way or another in which case you probably wouldn’t need to read this article. But what if you’re in an older home or apartment or just happen to be in a residence where ethernet ports aren’t available?

What can you do to receive Internet? The good news is that you have a number of options at your disposal. It is important to remember that you need a secure Internet connection so in this context, we will focus on safe ways to get high speed Internet in your home.

Cost and availability permitting, here are some ways you can get Internet capability in your home.

  • Get your ISP to take care of the issue when they first install your Internet connection.
  • Ask your neighbors about their Internet setup.
  • Get an electrician to install ethernet cabling.
  • Use an Internet over power adapter.
  • Buy a device with a built in Wifi connection.
  • Tether to your cellphone.

Get your ISP to take care of the issue when they first install your Internet connection

Part of the job of your Internet provider is to take care of the installation of your Internet connection. If you’re lucky, the installation part won’t be terribly expensive or time consuming.

Assuming you’re using the same company that is responsible for cabling in your area, they should be able to tell you online or over the phone what cabling already exists in your home and at least give you an indicative cost so you can decide if this is the answer you need.

A reasonably priced visit and set up from your telecom provider will probably cost around $150 give or take.

If this is too expensive – or if you’re not yet sure this is the option you need – there is another option that may help, that we’ll discuss next.

Ask your neighbors about their Internet setup

If you have neighbors who already have Internet that they’re happy with, chances are they went through the same process you’re going through. Check with your neighbors to see who their ISP is, their experience with it, how much it cost to install and their happiness level with what they received.

Unless your house was built much earlier than neighboring houses, chances are the cabling provided by an earlier telecom visit is similar to what you have.

Plus, you may also discover what technology works best in homes like yours and in your specific area too. As we’ve seen on this website, the design of your home is just one factor that can impact Internet speed.

If you discover that you do need cabling or other work done inside your home to achieve a quality Internet connection and find your Internet provider’s quote to be cost prohibitive, you might consider the third option on the list which we’ll discuss next.

Get an electrician to install ethernet cabling

Get an electrician experienced and qualified with Internet cabling to install ethernet capabilities in your home. If you find that you need work done inside the home, an experienced electrician might be a cost option if your Internet provider’s quote is too high.

Having said that, you do want to ensure you choose someone legit who guarantees their work and will actually provide wiring or cabling that your Internet provider can then work with.

Use an Internet over power adapter

An Internet over power adapter is plugged into a wall socket in your home and then attached to a modem or directly to a laptop, Smart tv, gaming device or other device in order to get Internet. You may also see if referred to as a powerline adapter, ethernet over power or other similar name.

The benefit of a good quality plug in Internet over power adapter is that your existing wiring in the home doesn’t matter. You just plug the unit in any wall socket in your home the device turns your existing electrical circuit into both a wireless and wired network.

Look for a device that can easily be expanded – you might need 2 or more of them – and also one that is plug and play with no configuration required. This means less work for you when setting it up to start with.

Some adapters can also be used as an extender or repeater to enhance your existing Internet connection.

Buy a device with a built in Wifi connection

Buying a device such as a laptop or tablet with a built in ready Internet connection is one consideration. Search for devices like a tablet or laptop that includes a cellular connection and/or Sim card or reference to 4G or 5G, and you’re talking about a device that comes Internet-enabled similar to your cellphone.

If you are in an area with network coverage, you get Internet access and don’t have to worry about cabling issues within your home. This is also a great option when you’re away from home, are on the go, and still want Internet access.

And if you have a cellphone with a high Internet usage limit or unlimited usage each month, you might consider using your cellphone’s Wifi signal for your home devices…

Tether to your cellphone

Tethering to your cellphone refers to borrowing your cellphone’s Internet capabilities and sharing it with another device such as your laptop or tablet.

Depending on your phone type, you can normally access this feature by going to Settings-Connections-Mobile Hotspot and Tethering (Samsund) or Personal Hotspot (iPhone) for example. Turn the tethering feature on and then follow the onscreen instructions.

You can either use an ethernet cable to physically attach your phone to the device that you wish to have Internet access on, or you can use the device Bluetooth functionality for a Wifi connection. Using Wifi involves pairing the two devices so they can talk to each other and in case your specific brand and model of devices may have slightly different instructions.

How can I tell if my house is wired for the Internet?

Look along the lower part of the walls throughout your house at the same level as electrical sockets to see what other connections you have. Internet ethernet, tv or phone cable connections are usually in a living room, basement, bedrooms, etc.

You may also have a central connection in your basement or wherever your electrical breaker box is. Telcos often install their phone and Internet equipment near the break box so check there to see what you have available.


If you live in a relatively new home, chances are you already have Internet capabilities or at least the opportunity to wire your home in a way that enables it in a cost effective way.

Over time as we move to a more wireless world, Internet connectivity should become less of an issue but if you live in an older home or one that simply doesn’t have ethernet or other capabilities, the good news is that you have options.

Chances are that your Internet provider can assist with the set up as it’s normally what they do when visiting your home to provision the service.

If you live in an apartment or condo, there’s a chance your building or condo management has a deal with a local telecom company to provide telco services including Internet exclusively to the entire building. This means you may already have the necessary equipment and may not need to do anything.

If you are without ethernet capabilities in your home, first check with your neighbors to see how they handled the situation as it’s likely they also had to deal with the same issue. They may have a quick fix or at least suggestions as to how to proceed that might save you time and money.

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