The Dangers of Putting Running Shoes in Your Washing Machine

The Dangers of Putting Running Shoes in Your Washing Machine

Putting running shoes in your washing machine seems like an obvious and reasonable way to get your dirty runners clean. But there are a few reasons why doing so isn’t a great idea:

  • Running shoes and laces can be damaged in the washing machine.
  • The washing machine can be damaged by the running shoes.

Let’s take a closer look at the dangers of washing running shoes in your washing machine, alternatives to wash them and how to dry them after washing, too.

Does putting running shoes in the washing machine damage them?

Firstly, check the label to see if washing them in a machine is even recommended by the manufacturer because some materials just shouldn’t be put in a machine. Any shoes that contain nylon, leather, rubber or suede should not be placed in a washer as those materials shouldn’t be exposed to water.

Some people will however chance it, and put their runners in the washing machine. Assuming that you do have running shoes that could in theory be put in a washer, they can be damaged in several ways. Older running shoes can be damaged and specifically the laces can become frayed, the inserts can be torn and the upper (top part of the shoe) may separate from the sole (bottom part of the shoe).

If you were to not bother taking the laces out of the shoes, there’s also a chance that they get wrapped on the agitator and either damage the laces, the shoes, the machine or all three.

Finally, if your shoes are bright colors there’s always the chance the color could bleed especially if you accidentally put other clothing in the same load.

Does putting running shoes in the washing machine damage the machine?

Running shoes have some rigidity to them from the heel and sole particularly. So when they bounce around in a washer (or dryer) there is a chance they could damage the machine drum or throw the drum out of alignment.

People that advocate for putting your running shoes in the washing machine suggest putting them together in a zipped mesh bag. That way, the running shoes will move together rather than individually bouncing around making more noise and potentially damaging the washer drum.

Still, when you put running shoes in the washer, there is always a chance that the bouncing around could cause damage to your washer.

Washing running shoes by hand instead

Running shoe manufacturers often make specific suggestions as to how to wash their products rather than popping them in a washing machine. Any time you have running shoes with any of the following materials, you will want to steer clear of a washing machine and wash them by hand instead:

  • Beads
  • Sequins
  • Silk
  • Wheels

Running shoes with these and other materials shouldn’t be placed in a washing machine and instead should be washed by hand.

Some running shoe manufacturers specifically suggest removing the laces and inserts of your running shoes before scrubbing them with a mild soap and warm water. Then rinse the shoes and repeat the cleaning until all stains are removed.

White running shoes can benefit from being scrubbed with a paste made from 1 tbsp of baking soda, 1/2 tbsp of hydrogen peroxide and 1/2 tbsp of warm water. Baking soda is an abrasive that whitens and deodorizes while the hydrogen peroxide is a disinfectant and sanitizer. Scrub your white runners with this paste and allow it to sit for 30 minutes. Rinse the paste off with cold water and repeat as needed until all stains are removed.

Final thoughts

Another reason not to put your running shoes in the washing machine is that you’ll then need to dry them. That typically means putting them in your dryer which again can be problematic.

Other than the noise that running shoes produce as they’re tumbling, you’ll probably experience the annoying habit of the shoes to knock the door open and stop the dryer. Repeatedly. Speaking from experience here!

Instead, take your hand-washed running shoes and stuff them with balled up newspaper and put them aside to dry, perhaps near a space heater or fan. Make sure you use newspaper that isn’t full of colored ink to be safe but newspaper stuffed in the running shoes tends to reduce the drying time.

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