If you’ve never had a home security system and most people haven’t, you may be surprised at the options available. While in the past, systems required long contracts and an up front purchase of physical equipment, modern alarm systems offer different choices with a monthly fee that can be canceled anytime. Some alarm companies offer paid monitoring around the clock that they provide whereas you can also monitor some systems yourself.
The main advantage of an unmonitored security system is the lower cost than a monitored system. You monitor your own alarm system and respond accordingly if it is triggered. If you are on a tight budget, an unmonitored security system is something to consider if the only other option is to do nothing.
Alarm Company vs Self Monitored
You’re essentially choosing between having a centrally monitored, around the clock system managed by an alarm company or monitoring the alarm yourself. Monitoring is a paid service for some alarm providers as it involves their staff keeping an eye on your system and being alerted when the alarm is triggered. They will typically call you to check the status (was the alarm accidentally triggered or is it real?) and will send help (their own security staff or the police) in an emergency.
Monitored alarms can also include other services such as fire and smoke detection, extreme heat or cold (indicating a fire on one hand or a furnace breakdown in the other), a carbon monoxide leak or water leak. Some companies additionally offer medical-related monitoring for customers who are elderly or ill. The benefit is that when the alarm is triggered, the company will respond which is especially helpful in the instance where you are unable to do so yourself ie. you are the victim of a crime, you are medically distressed.
Monitored vs Unmonitored Security System Comparison
Monitored and unmonitored security alarms have different features and benefits. Let’s compare the following aspects:
Cost: Relative cost to each other.
Convenience: Relative convenience that each option offers. One is monitored and automatic. The other is unmonitored where you do the work yourself.
Effectiveness: Relative effectiveness in offering protection compared to each other.
Safety: A monitoring company will alert you to an alarm being triggered and will respond to emergencies on your behalf. An unmonitored system means you do this work yourself even if you’re at home and a burglar is in your house.
Comprehensiveness: What does each security option actually cover?
Response time: How quickly does each option respond to an alarm compared to one another? A monitored system will contact you right away whereas with a self monitored alarm, you will get an alert to your cellphone app.
Monitored | Unmonitored | |
Cost | More expensive. | Less expensive |
Convenience | More convenient as monitoring and alarm response is done for you. | Less convenient. |
Effectiveness | More effective due to live monitoring around the clock. | Only as effective as you are. |
Safety Offered | More safety since monitoring company will call for help on your behalf. | Less safety as you have to call for help yourself. |
Comprehensiveness | Can monitor your home for motion detection, break-in, fire, water, heat, cold, carbon monoxide, medical concerns and smoke detection. | You monitor everything yourself. |
Response time | Fast response time when alarm is triggered. | Depends on how quick you are to respond to a cellphone alert. |

Why Choose An Unmonitored Alarm?
The main reasons you might consider an unmonitored system are:
- Lower cost: A monitored alarm service involves the alarm company staff keeping an eye on your alarm system 24/7 and responding if the alarm is triggered. They may have their own paid security staff to respond to an emergency or they may call the police on your behalf. This costs money so you pay more. With an unmonitored system, you handle this work yourself.
- Independence. You like doing this sort of thing yourself. You may like the idea of being in charge of security so to speak and enjoy managing the work yourself while saving money in the process.
- Privacy concerns. A higher quality home monitoring system will utilize a 2-way voice system that allows the alarm company to speak with you and you with them. If your alarm is triggered, the alarm company may speak with you on the alarm intercom and you can respond to let them know if the alarm is real or accidentally set off. While alarm companies are required by law to only use the 2-way system when an alarm is triggered due to privacy concerns, you may not be willing to take that chance. You may have similar concerns with Internet-enabled devices monitoring your calls and surfing habits.
Unmonitored Alarm System Downsides
Speed of response: When monitoring the system yourself, you personally respond to the alarm but that’s assuming you even notice. What if you’re away from home and don’t notice the alert until minutes or hours later? If you are out of town or the country, what would you do and who would you call? Responding to an emergency or crime is a matter of seconds or minutes at worst. A delayed response decreases the chance of a positive outcome.
No response: There’s a chance you may not even respond to an alarm. What if your cellphone is dead or you are in an area with no cellphone coverage? You may not even know an alarm has been triggered. If you live in a condo or apartment and a siren on your alarm is triggered and runs for hours without a response, what would your building do in response?
You can’t respond: What if someone breaks into your house and is armed? What if you have an accident and are otherwise unable to respond? What if you suffer a medical emergency? There are many scenarios where you may simply be unable to respond to an alarm.
There are some things that people can do themselves to save money and to get a feeling of personal satisfaction. An unmonitored alarm system isn’t one of them when you compare the pros and cons. The main benefit of a self-monitored security system is the cost savings over a monitored alarm system.
But the negatives outweigh the cost savings when you consider that the benefits of a monitored system are the reasons you get an alarm system in the first place. Speed of response. Professionalism of response. Comprehensive monitoring services.
When you consider that the average cost of a break-in is $2,799 and can be much higher, the extra money spent on a monitored home security system can easily pay for itself.