Is Shredded Rubber Tire Mulch Safe? (Confirmed)

Is Shredded Rubber Tire Mulch Safe? (Confirmed)

Rubber mulch made from recycled tires is an increasingly popular option in place of traditional wood mulch for your garden. Available in multiple colors, it can be a great alternative for a number of reasons not the least of which is its longevity.

But rubber mulch is made from old tires which contain various chemicals so how safe are they? I decided to take a closer look and this is what I found. Along the way I discovered that in actuality, you can also purchase non-toxic rubber mulch that isn’t made from tires.

Shredded rubber tire mulch is generally safe around the garden in place of wood mulch but can give off a strong smell when exposed to direct sun. Due to chemicals that are released, avoid using it among vegetables and other edible plants. You can also opt for non-toxic rubber mulch that isn’t made from tires to solve this issue.

Below we’ll look at pros and cons of rubber mulch, when to use it and also when to avoid using it in your garden.

Advantages and disadvantages of rubber tire mulch

Rubber tire mulch prosRubber tire mulch cons
Has excellent shock absorbing abilities for children’s playgrounds.Higher cost when compared to other mulch options.
Requires little maintenance and won’t decompose, compress, freeze or blow away.Can be difficult to remove rubber from the ground and can mix with soil making it more difficult to remove.
Helps the environment as it makes use of recycled tires that would otherwise be discarded.Tire rubber is flammable and while the chance of a fire is low, it’s still more flammable than other mulch options.
Rubber mulch can help to repel rodents since there is nothing for them to eat or nest in.Rubber mulch does not decompose as it’s not organic.
Doesn’t require killing trees as many mulch products do.Rubber tires can give off a strong smell when heated i.e. during hot summer weather.
Has a long lifespan unlike wood mulch which does tend to decompose and flatten, requiring replacement.Can release chemicals into the air you breathe such as aluminum, zinc oxide, cadmium, and chromium among others when it gets very hot in the sun.
Quality products are available in multiple colors which won’t bleed or rub off for a nice look.Cheap tire mulch can be of inferior quality and may have bits of metal in it.
Is a great insulator that can protect plants and vegetation during freezing weather.Rubber mulch can inhibit weeds but not as well as wood mulch. Rubber won’t prevent weeds to germinate and sprout when already in the soil.

Popular uses for rubber mulch around the backyard

Common uses for rubber tire mulch around your house include the following:

  • Gardens and landscaping – Rubber mulch has the unique ability to help your vegetation in the summer and winter: In summer, rubber mulch protects the roots of plants from heat and dehydration. In winter, rubber mulch protects plants from frost.
  • In place of grass – If you have an area on your property that isn’t able to grow grass, you may fill it with rubber mulch instead. You may also use it in place of soil when you just need to fill an area with something to improve the look.
  • Children’s playgrounds – Rubber mulch is known for its longevity, lack of compression, little maintenance and safety factor due to its density. This makes it a possible choice for playgrounds. You may want to consider non-toxic rubber that wasn’t made from tires however.
  • As a wood mulch substitute – Commonly used in place of wood mulch. Since rubber mulch come in various colors, you have a chance to add some color to your backyard. Rubber mulch lasts longer and tends to need little replacement.
  • To inhibit weeds – Rubber mulch can help to inhibit weeds. It’s not the best weed inhibitor but it can help. A 2″ to 4″ thickness of mulch is recommended to properly inhibit weeds.
  • To dissuade insects and other pests – Certain insects and pests like wood mulch as a food source. They won’t however care for rubber as a suitable substitute so it can help ward them off.

Where to avoid using rubber mulch in your backyard

If you’re using rubber mulch made from recycled tires with potentially toxic chemicals, it’s suggested to avoid using it in garden beds with edible foods such as vegetables or fruits. Instead use a non-toxic rubber mulch that isn’t made from tires.

Rubber gets very hot in direct sun. Do you live in an area where the mulch in your kids’ playground area could get so hot that it could burn them if they fall on it or stand on the hot rubber?

Also be careful using rubber mulch around certain plants such as roses that require good drainage. Rubber mulch tends to slow the flow of water to plants and can then keep the soil very damp which can be detrimental to certain plants.

Finally, while the chances of a fire are relatively low, rubber is flammable especially if made from tires. This means there could be chemicals on it that could ignite if exposed to a lit cigarette butt for example. Rubber can also get very hot and dry in the sun. Again, the chances are low but it’s a consideration to at least think about if you live in a dry, sunny and humid environment.

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