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Do I Need A Water Softener If I Have A Reverse Osmosis System?
Adding a water softener is a popular option for homeowners if they live in an area with very hard water. At the bottom of this article you'll see links to all my articles on water softeners given my...
A home Internet connection is usually as matter-of-fact as electricity and just like cable tv and a corded phone line used to be, back in the day when everyone had cable and a landline. Most modern...
A water softener is a filtration system you can add in your home to remove high levels of minerals such as magnesium and calcium that contribute to hard water which is what occurs when these mineral...
Gas boilers and water heaters have long since been the norm for homeowners. Natural gas is widely available, is on-demand and is cheaper than electricity. But using gas produces emissions and with...
If your electricity and other utility bills have gone up recently, you're not alone. Why is my electricity bill so high is a question many people asked in early 2020 a month or so after countries...
How can you lower your utility costs around the house and save money while doing better for the environment at the same time? The first step is to do an inventory of where your utilities usage...