9 Questions About Downy Unstopables Answered

9 Questions About Downy Unstopables Answered

Downy Unstopables and other scent boosting products have recently come into vogue as an in-wash option for your clothing. Scent boosters like Unstopables offer one benefit: They leave your clothing with a nice fresh scent.

They don’t offer the anti-static and softening benefits of a fabric softener but if all you’re after is nice smelling clothes, you’re in luck because that’s what they do.

Let’s discuss 8 questions related to Down Unstopables in terms of what they offer and right off the bat, we’ll answer two potentially negative aspects of the product which is widely discussed online by users.

Did Downy Unstopables clog my washer?

There are a number of reports online of scent boosters like Downy Unstopables clogging a user’s washing machine, often to the point where they need a plumber to help unblock it.

Numerous users on at least one popular laundryOpens in a new tab. website give examples suggesting that the product clogged their machine, often to the point of requiring professional help to fix the situation. Some reported need expensive repairs and some report buying a new machine.

The common complaint seemed to be that with long term usage, beads would melt and coagulate somewhere in the drainage system or inside the washer itself.

Having used both Downy Unstopables and the competing product from Snuggle, I have not experienced this problem. I use cold water in a short 26 minute cycle wash and in each case, the beads fully dissolve in the wash.

I tried soaking a small amount of beads in a bowl of cold water and let them sit. While they didn’t disintegrate on their own, they softened over time and were dissolving as the fragance was noticeable when I smelled the water. After perhaps 10 minutes I was able to crush the beads in my hand.

I have not experienced beads coagulating and when I empty the washer each time, I have also not seen residue either in the washer or sticking to clothes.

Did Downy Unstopables clog my drainage system?

Correlation doesn’t equal correlation so just because your drainage system backs up, it doesn’t necessarily mean that it occurred because of one specific reason or that it happened recently. It might be a problem that had been building, unless a plumber confirms otherwise.

While I have read several online commenters suggest that their plumbing system backed up after repeated use of scent boosters, I wonder how this product could singularly be responsible for this occurring?

I asked a licensed plumber that I used recently for a P trap replacement and toilet replacement and he had no experience with scent beads so was unable to offer up any professional advice on the subject one way or the other.

Many homes have a common drain line for the kitchen appliances and washer. Back ups are often caused by a combination of grease and food from the kitchen and soap and lint from the washer. Cumulatively, they can cause a back up over time.

Why didn’t the Unstopables beads fully dissolve during the washing cycle?

The only time I have seen beads fail to dissolve is when a few beads end up collecting on the inside of the glass door and don’t end up being part of the wash. I have an HE washer and not a top loader so there is a chance that some beads will collect on the door inside or on the rubber seal.

Having said that, if you find that a large amount of beads aren’t dissolving and remain after your wash is done, ask yourself these questions to troubleshoot how to fix it:

Are you following instructions? You are using Unstopables in your washing machine and not your dryer, correct? And you are putting the beads directly into the washer tub and not inside the detergent or fabric softener dispenser, correct? I’ve seen a few commenters online admitting they didn’t read instructions and used the beads incorrectly at times.

How many beads did you add to the wash? While the companies who produce scent boosting beads leave it up to you as how much you use, try dialing back and using less next wash and see if that works..

How much clothing did you put in the washer? Add an appropriate amount of clothing to each wash load and don’t overfill or underfill it. Your washer needs a minimum amount of clothing to operate correctly but there is a maximum amount it can hold, too.

What water temperature did you use? If you’re using cold water, try using hot water next time. Or vice versa. Scent boosting beads are designed to work in cold or hot water unless your chosen product suggests otherwise but it’s worth trying both to see what works best for you.

Was the wash setting long enough? The beads are solid before you use them. In water among clothing that is agitating, they are designed to dissolve but if you’re using a very short wash cycle and the beads aren’t dissolving, you could try using a longer wash setting next time to give the beads more time to dissolve.

Do Downy Unstopables go in my washer or dryer?

Downy Unstopables only get put directly in the washing machine before you put clothing in. And you don’t put the Unstopables in the detergent dispenser, either. You actually scatter the beads in the washing machine itself and then load it with clothes. The beads dissolve in hot or cold water according to the instructions.

They are referred to as in wash scent booster for a reason: They go right in the washing machine amongst the washing. They are not to be used in a dryer.

Failing to follow the instructions can cause trouble as the product is designed to work a specific way and that’s inside the drum of the washing machine where they disintegrate when exposed to water.

Unless you use a different product with different instructions, scent booster get placed directly into the washing machine and don’t go anywhere near the dryer as that’s not what they are meant for.

What do Downy Unstopables do to my clothes?

Down Unstopables simply add a pleasant scent to your clothing that can last for weeks after washing them. It is not a fabric softener so don’t expect that benefit. It also has no anti-pilling functionality or anti-static properties. It simply adds a nice fragrance to your clothes so it’s not a fabric softener replacement.

The packaging suggests that the scent can last for up to 12 weeks after laundering. So if you happen to wash clothes with Unstopables and not wear or otherwise use them for weeks, you might still smell the scent on them.

In my personal experience I had a wool winter hat that I washed using a half sample size of Unstopables and started wearing the hat about 2 weeks after washing. Even after I’d been wearing the hat for almost 2 weeks after that, the scent of the Unstopables was still noticeable in a pleasant but not overpowering way.

Are Downy Unstopables safe for High Efficiency washers?

Down Unstopables can be used in both traditional top loading washers and front loaders including High Efficiency (HE) as well. HE models generally require less detergent and fabric softener so it’s possible you can also find that you will use less scent booster as well.

Front loading machines use less water so each load will have less water touching your clothes. It stands to reason that you might also be able to use less Downy Unstopables in each load, too.

Do you need to use hot or cold water in the wash cycle?

The instructions on Downy Unstopables packaging suggests that they can be used in cold or hot water. The beads are designed to dissolve in water and that’s why they are placed directly inside the washing machine before you add the clothes.

Once the machine starts adding water and agitating, the beads start dissolving in the water and amongst the clothing.

Do not place the beads in the softener dispenser of your washing machine as that’s not how they are designed to be released. They are meant to be scattered inside the larger drum of your washing machine so the water and agitation dissolve them and the scent is infused into your clothing as they are washed.

How often do I use Downy Unstopables?

Downy Unstopables can be used for each load of laundry. There aren’t any specific items of clothing that they are recommended not using them with but you can test your most expensive clothes just to be safe.

One advantage that Downy Unstopables have over fabric softener is what it doesn’t do. Unstopables don’t leave a waxy film on clothing the way fabric softener does. It’s usually recommended not to use fabric softener when washing towels or anything that absorbs water. The waxy film can reduce absorbancy which means you’re reducing the towel’s effectiveness.

How much Downy Unstopables do you use per load of laundry?

While the instructions as to how much you use each time isn’t specific – you fill the cup with as much or little as you like – you can adjust your usage based on your preference.

In that regard, you can test out different amounts and see how you like the results. The more product you use each time, the more likely you will have clothing will a longer lasting and perhaps stronger scent.

If you would rather be more conservative and use fewer beads per load, you may end up with results that you’re happy with and that ultimately saves you money by using less product each time, too.

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